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latest news and projects

here's a glimpse of what's on now and cooking 


Fade to Black

FADE TO BLACK is a short film topsy-turving the Luxembourg-founding myth of the siren Melusina. grotesquely addressing well-meant mechanisms of white fragility in the progressive, artistic industries. 


- in post production - come back mid-february for release information

empty theatre seats behind a stage proscenium - stage design from Cocoooo Chanell


In Blablablastik, dem neuesten Hörspiel aus der Reihe Kappkino, wird ein Material hörbar: Plastik. Vom meistverkauften Möbelstück aller Zeiten, dem weißen Monobloc-Stuhl, bis hin zur melancholischen Plastiktüten-Szene aus dem Spielfilm American Beauty - Plastik ist in unserer Welt allgegenwärtig. Anhand der persönlichen Lebensgeschichte einer Frau, deren Gedanken von der fixen Idee des Plastiks beherrscht sind, werden die Geschichte des Kunststoffs sowie die Berührungspunkte mit unserem gesellschaftlichen und individuellen Konsum thematisiert. Ganz im Sinne der Kernidee von Kappkino wird das Hörspiel Blablablastik in einem völlig dunklen Raum und ohne visuelle Reize aufgeführt. Somit kann jeder seinen eigenen Film und seine eigenen Gedanken im Kopf entstehen lassen.


27. und 28. Februar 2025





Spring Awakenings

Spring Awakenings follows a cohort of adolescents as they grapple with the complexities of burgeoning sexuality in a society teetering between information overload and a call for structure. Originally penned in 1891, Frank Wedekind’s seminal play – which director Anne Simon and writer-dramaturg Antoine Pohu use as a framework – was deemed too audacious to be performed until 1906, after which it was repeatedly censored. Delving into subjects such as homosexuality, suicide and rape, it touches upon a plethora of themes still pertinent today. In this version, contemporary perspectives gleaned from interviews and workshops with today’s teenagers enrich the narrative. The creative team aims to incorporate original song writing and explore innovative ways to depict social media’s significance as a tool for self-expression and its role in shaping the worldview of today’s youth.


April 27th thru May 11th, 2025

Théâtre des Capucins


theatre website & tix


I offer individually adapted lessons for audition training, character work and role preparation for professional actors, students or curious individuals who want to improve their public speaking skills.

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